8:50 - 9:50 AM


(3 years - 5th Grade)

This fall, we are using the Big Faith curriculum by Cokesbury to explore our faith in God. Over the next three months, we will tell or read stories or Bible passages illustrating how God is creative, keeps God's promises, and provides for our needs. We will learn that we are made in God's image, he calls us to be creative and helpful, and that we are unique.

Our children will participate in developmentally appropriate activities, games, and creative projects that will help them explore and learn more about themselves and each other.

Beginning in October, there will be three classrooms for children. For more information, see Amy Gaertner.


(6th - 12th Grade)

This season, our youth are spending Sunday mornings together working through a daily lectionary text together. 

This group, led by our Associate Pastor of Formation, Zac Cannon, meets in the revitalized basement youth space.


Adult formation groups continue to meet in a variety of ways, from creating art and music to enjoying the connection between food and faith and exploring the scripture in exciting ways!

Disciples – (Room 104) – a bible-study-based group made up of our wisest, most mature senior members who gather to dig into the Word under the direction of Benny Clark and other guest proclaimers.


In the Real World – (Room 201) – A relationship-based group led by Paula Schenck. This group includes people of all ages, including young singles, couples, new parents, middle-agers, and wise seniors, following a relaxed curriculum that varies based on member input and interest.


Salt & Light – (Room 202) – A spiritual-practice and formation-based group led by Brittany Mullinex & Mel Copple.

In the Maker’s Hands – (Room B2, Revitalized Basement) – A creative worship workshop that seeks to find God working through and in our everyday lives beauty and gritty details. Participants respond to Bible and book-based studies through various unique creative experiences. Led by Tonya King