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Archived Sermon Audio
SPEAKER: Lance King with Guests
DATE: 3/08/20
SCRIPTURE: John 3:1-21
Jesus explains the necessity of being "born from above" in light of God's love. Our congregation is full of stories of comparable new birth(s). How does your story go?
Listen now to hear the stories of Heather Bailey, Alan Alfano, and Charles Crenshaw
BORN ANEW: Session 1
SPEAKER: Lance King with Guests
DATE: 3/08/20
SCRIPTURE: John 3:1-21
Jesus explains the necessity of being “born from above" in light of God's love. Our congregation is full of stories of comparable new birth(s). How does your story go?
Listen Now to hear the stories of Kellie Gildersleeve, Mitzi Hammer, and Zac Cannon
More Than Dust?
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 3/01/20
SCRIPTURE: Romans 5:12-19
Scripture describes humanity with many voices. To get a comprehensive anthropology, we tune into Paul's final letter.
SPEAKER: Lance King with Heidi Price and Robbie and Alison Yeaman
DATE: 2/23/20
SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 3:1-11, 3:15-4:1
We recently pondered what it looks like to respond to God's call. On this second look, we explore the custom curvature of other Chestnut Grovians responding in faith.
[Realizing Our Vision]SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 2/16/20
SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:37-47
Without vision, people really do perish. What is our vision? While likely familiar with our stated vocabulary, let's examine the fundamentals behind everything we do, and connect them to God's Kingdom coming on earth.
SPEAKER: Lance King & Landon Collins
DATE: 2/09/20
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 12:1-4a, Matthew 14:22-33
Landon and Lance riff on two stories centered on what it looks like for God to call and for us to respond. What does this look like for the Collins family? What does it look like for you?
INCARNATIONal presence
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 2/02/20
SCRIPTURE: John 1:1-14, Luke 4:18-19, James 2:14-26
In God’s clearest move, the Word became flesh. How might our words become enfleshed?
elevate spiritual practice
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 1/26/20
SCRIPTURE: Mark 1:32-35
How might we elevate our spiritual health and vitality to the equivalent priority as our physical, financial, and vocational health and vitality? Biblical modeling abounds. What good is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Nurture transcendence
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 1/19/20
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 139:1-10
Awe, terror, revival, rejuvenation. These are all likely experiences when we encounter God. Indifference & apathy are not. How might we adjust our gatherings, our spaces, our lives to nurture increased Divine-human communion?
the first carols: gloria
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 12/22/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:8-20
In 1739, Charles Wesley published a hymnal including the famous "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing." 1700 years earlier, ancient angelic songwriters had inspired him with news to sing about. What is the tune of our hearts this Advent season?
The FIrst Carols: THe Magnificat
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 12/8/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:46-55
Science suggests a mother's voice has a potent, multi-faceted role in development. What was the impact of Mary's song on baby Jesus? On his followers?
Wisdom of the saint: Part 4
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 11/24/19
SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 4:1-8, 16-18
Paul completes his journey faithfully, and speaks from the finish line with tender strength. Young Timothy hears Paul’s final wisdom for shaping a life-giving culture.
Wisdom of the Saint: Part 2
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 11/10/19
SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 2:8-15
What might it look like to remember Jesus?
Wisdom of the SainT: Part 3
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 11/17/19
SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3:1-17
In the turbulent, tough, or terrible times at hand, Paul urges church shapers to persevere using the wisdom of spiritual ancestors and sacred writings.
Being Wise
SPEAKER: Barbara Edwards
DATE: 10/27/19
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:21-29
After Jesus gives the famous sermon on the mountain he offers a parable about the possible responses. One is wise, the other is foolish.
SPEAKER: Zac Cannon
DATE: 10/20/19
We all have moment when our faith life lacks inspiration. How can experiencing the wonder of God’s love help move us toward fresh aliveness?
Use it or...
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 10/13/19
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25:14-30
With what gifts & talents have you been entrusted? The Kingdom appears to value the risk of investment far more than the security of safety. How will CG invest our God-given gifts and talents in 2020?
The Kingdom is Like
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 10/6/19
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:17-25
Jesus launches his ministry with an invitation to follow Him. To their surprise, following involves some open-ended adventures ahead. From a beach side boat launch, Jesus casts a series of similes to stimulate their imagination of God's Kingdom "taking root" among us.
List Item
SPEAKER: Landon Collins
DATE: 9/29/19
SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 10:1-16
At the end of his Temple Sermon Jeremiah points out the silliness and futility of worshipping scarecrows in a melon patch when the God of creation is right in front of our eyes.
Blessed Unity
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 9/22/19
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 133
Laughter and joy replace tears and weeping when the Lord allows new communion. Restore our fortunes, we pray.
Our Appeal
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 9/15/19
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 126
How very good and pleasant indeed, when we experience unity. We witness that God is at work building a family that transcends all barriers that separate and diminish life. Converging from four corners of the world, God's people set all aside to worship side by side.
Songs of Ascents Part 2: THe cure for contempt
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 9/8/19
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 123
As God's people journeyed toward God's presence, they felt the world's contempt. Paradoxically, knowing the contempt of the world can lead to knowing the grace and peace that overcomes the world. How might we nurture a contempt-free world?
Songs of Ascents Part 1: Moving Toward God
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 9/1/19
SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 11:29-12:3
As God's people moved toward worship, they sang songs which became sacred. The human condition seems not to have changed. We experience uncertainty, dislocation and danger. God provides guidance and help for every step. Hallelujah!
When Sacred Rituals become Sickening
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 8/25/19
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20
What's required in shaping sacred rituals pleasing to God? With graphic imagery and full candor, the prophet speaks of shortcomings and solutions.
Tipping Point
SPEAKER: Sarah Ford
DATE: 8/11/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:1-10
What might we learn from the voice of Jesus calling Zacchaeus down from a tree?
Managing $1M
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 8/4/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:13-21
Jesus' parable of the rich man invites us to explore our own relationship with money and how others fit into that relationship.
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 7/28/19
SCRIPTURE: Colossians 2:6-19
In a swirl of rapid regression and competing philosophies, Paul exhorts the Colossians to the only true fullness of life.
Always be weird
SPEAKER: Zac Cannon
DATE: 7/14/19
The wholeness offered by Christ beckons us forward into a new, sacred, aliveness. We must be wary of the desire to go backwards, returning to what is comfortable or normal. Jesus followers are called to stop pretending, stop policing, stop procrastinating, and always be weird.
Faith on the Margins
SPEAKER: Landon Collins
DATE: 7/7/19
SCRIPTURE: Daniel 1:1-7
The author of Daniel knew quite well what if was like to navigate a life of faith within a more dominant culture. What lesson's might we learn from the stories he recounted of Daniel's life.
From Tossing to Tasting
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 6/30/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:13-35
Numerous features in anyone's life may prevent us from experiencing God. The living Lord seeks to penetrate them all.
Memorial Day
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 5/26/19
The Psalter spoke to many of God's characteristics and ways. This song raises up the expansiveness of God's generosity and love, and exhorts all humanity remember and rejoice!
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 5/19/19
SCRIPTURE: John 21:1-19
At any great concert, the headliner saves the best-known and most-fulfilling pieces until after the show is over. Did ancient authors do the same?
Stars and Stairs
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 5/5/19
Regardless of how faithful or fearful, zealous or xenophobic, holy or hidden, we all have hunches that we just aren’t living fully. Two characters in today’s text each respond to such an epiphany, the effects of which are still on display.
Experiencing Scripture & Scripturing Experience
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 4/28/19
Words are the symbolic medium of life experience. Some portions of holy writ reveal their impetus. Other portions are so vast, one can only imagine the impulse. What prompted the author of Psalm 36? Describing God's love stretches words to their limit.
Dealing with Despair
SPEAKER: Landon Collins
DATE: 4/7/19
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 43:16-21
Despair seems to be a part of life. Regardless of whether or not our own stories are filled with despair, we are all familiar with it and during the season of Lent we seem to be more aware of it. What might we learn from Isaiah 43 about dealing with it?
Beyond the Tomb
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 4/21/19
SCRIPTURE: John 20:1-18
Focusing on the mere facts of an empty tomb may preclude participating in the miracle introduced on Easter.
Jesus, We want to be rescued...But not like that
SPEAKER: Zac Cannon
DATE: 4/14/19
What is it that moves the Messiah to tears? Our exploration of Christ’s dramatic entry into Jerusalem at the start of Holy Week reveals our tendency to want a Savior who helps us get what we want instead of a Savior who truly wants to liberate and set us free.
*artwork by J. Kirk Richards
From Church Attender to Kingdom Agent
SPEAKER: Landon Collins
DATE: 3/3/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:1-6
Jesus was in the business of inviting people in and sending them out. They were sent out as Kingdom Agents, but far too often churches are creating mere Church Attenders. What does it look like to move from a church attender to a Kingdom Agent?
Two men encounter a savior
SPEAKER: Erin Collins
DATE: 2/24/19
SCRIPTURE: Luke 18:18-25, Luke 19:1-10
Both Zaccheaus and the Rich Ruler encounter Jesus, but they walk away with different experiences. What might we learn from their encounters?
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Green means Go!
SPEAKER: Lance King
DATE: 3/17/19
SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:9-15
Peter, Paul and Patrick each had visions which guided their ministries toward the mundane, and even unsavory. They proclaimed Good news to those burdened by religion, purity codes, isolation, and the economic machinery of their day. How might these three saints guide us today?