“What’s next?” 

Israel’s arduous 40-year journey of deliverance to the “what’s next” has been instructive.  My main takeaway is that the Lord provided.  Day by day, food, water, protection, strength, and direction were given as needed. More enduringly still, God provided God’s “word,” an even more important nourishment than bread for living in new community.  Exodus 15-20 tells the story.


It took Israel a long while to figure it all out on the journey to “what’s next.”  Similarly, countless hours have been invested by our generous deacons, committees and staff- seeking together to discern how to safely move our faith community forward, yet again, in these highly unusual and uncomfortable times. 


I am aware of the weariness many of us feel.  I hear our longings for deliverance.  I share them. I offer a trustworthy word from fellow minister, Asaph, when his community of faith was especially weary from their world falling apart.

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." 
Psalm 73:26  

I also find hope meditating upon Jesus’ first words to his weary, traumatized followers in similarly uncertain circumstances, “Do not be afraid… I am going ahead of you… there you will see me.”  (Matthew 28:5-7)


Let us draw near to God today, that He may draw near to us, and continue leading us to what’s next.  I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday.  Meanwhile, let’s hear Paul’s counsel to the Philippians as that community of faith sought likewise, to press forward into the future (Phil 4:4-9).

Sundays at Chestnut Grove

(Beginning November 29th)

Sunday Worship

Our live worship gatherings will be returning to the Upper Room (9 AM).

Due to our Covid-19 protocols, sitting will be limited and will require pre-registration. 

However, you may also join us digitally via a Zoom Livestream, also at 9 AM, or through the return of our Non-Gathering videos (which will include elements captured during our live worship gathering). 


While several of our adult formation groups will continue to meet via Zoom, our three largest gathering spaces will be utilized at 10 AM for live formation gatherings. 

More information to come. Please contact Lance King if you are interested in joining a formation group, live or online. 


There are some exciting things happen at 6 PM

- in the Upper Room, children in 4th through 6th grade will be meeting with Mrs. Barbara for fun, games, and Bible lessons.

- in the Basement, our youth (7th - 12th grade) will resume meeting with Pastor Zac

- in the Sanctuary, Pastor Lance will be leading a new adult group exploring faith through the lens of fiction